Guilty Gear Xrd Rev Ii Coming Before Long To Northward America!

Aksys Games as well as Arc System Works proudly denote that Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 is coming presently to North America every bit a standalone physical as well as digital loose on the PS4. REV 2 volition every bit good endure available every bit a digital upgrade via the PlayStation Network for Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- on the PS4 as well as PS3. Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 includes all previously released DLC from -REVELATOR- every bit good every bit novel fighters, moves, even out chapters as well as more! It’s never been a ameliorate fourth dimension to endure a 2.5D brawler inwards the shipping service apocalypse! Hone your skills alongside an eclectic sort of 25 insane fighters as well as assay out your mettle every bit the ultimate fighting master.

Check out the official site!

Key Features
  • Upgrades, Lots of Upgrades
Two novel characters, Baiken as well as Answer travel inwards the battle! New stages, moves as well as motions are but the showtime of novel content to explore!
  • Legends of Rock
Expanded even out as well as arcade modes shed novel lite on Jam, Kum, Raven, Dizzy, Answer as well as Baiken!
  • Balance is the Key
H5N1 consummate re-balancing of each fighter agency that everything onetime is novel again! Explore dissimilar fighting techniques alongside your favorite characters or start out fresh alongside novel brawlers!

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